The JA Advisor - February 2020

IN THIS ISSUE Section 6055/6056 Reporting (Paper Filing Deadline) CMS Medicare…

When productivity increases, so do wages

Productivity and pay can diverge for many reasons that are not represented in…

10 Quick Tips for Avoiding Distractions at Work

Did you know: The average employee gets distracted and interrupted between 50…

Artificial Intelligence in HR

Ever heard of artificial intelligence? A new human resources tool may be the…

Sunrays Aren’t the Only Thing You Can Catch at the Pool

As the temperature climbs, many Americans will flock to the pool to find some…

4 Main Impacts of Yesterday's Executive Order

Yesterday, President Trump used his pen to set his sights on healthcare having…

The Top 10 Reasons Everyone Should Bike to Work

Have you ever considered biking to work? Well, if you have the ability to do…

IRS Issues Strong Warnings About ACA Compliance: Should HR be worried?

With all the confusion surrounding the ACA over the past few months, employers…

Do You Know the Signs of Opioid Addiction?

Opioid addiction is a growing epidemic in the United States, with opioid…

Yes, You Can Be That Fit Co-Worker Who Bikes to Work

Staying fit and healthy while working at a full-time job can be difficult - and…