When trying to pinpoint what it is that makes an organization successful, look no further than its workplace culture. Almost any research on the topic comes to the same conclusion: a healthy culture leads to a healthy bottom line.
This is why more and more organizations are investing in resources that will boost their workplace culture, and it’s why many employees say they would leave a bad workplace culture in favor of one they deemed better.

This was the case for Tatiana Ritter, an account manager at JA Benefits. Tatiana left her previous company to join JA Benefits because of its stellar reputation. The difference in culture was immediately obvious.
“You bring baggage from a previous employer, and it’s checked at the door here,” Tatiana said.
A key culture differentiator that exists at JA Benefits and all successful organizations is a willingness to accept new ideas and creativity. Tatiana said she and other new employees are emotional when they consider their previous employment situations where new ideas were rejected.
JA Benefits goes above and beyond in this regard.
“If you take an idea that goes against the norm to some employers, often times it’s rejected,” she explained. “Here, it’s received openly and, if it’s a possible fit, they empower the employee to go execute that idea.”
Part of A Healthy Culture
One integral aspect of JA Benefits’ healthy workplace culture is an event referred to as “10 at 10,” which is when employees get up at 10 a.m. each day and take 10 or 15 minutes to walk around the community to talk with coworkers about non-work-related topics. If the weather doesn’t allow for walking, employees stretch in the conference room. They use this as a small getaway and to get that blood pumping.
This unique, culture-building activity spawned from Tatiana, who heard it at a seminar and brought the idea to management.
“It helps you develop these personal relationships, which is something that I don’t think should ever go away at any organization,” Tatiana said. “Without those personal relationships, the day is lonely and so boring. That’s when it really begins to feel like it’s just…work.”
While Tatiana introduced JA Benefits to “10 at 10,” she was introduced to a whole new experience that spoke to the organization’s culture when she attended a client sales meeting.
Tatiana said she was “taken aback” at how the JA Benefits representatives operated with such a personal touch, where it felt more like a friendly get together than a sales meeting.
“Our values are not just something that are posted on the wall,” she said. “It’s what you can expect when you walk into JA.”
3 Steps Toward a Healthy Culture
While almost every organization wants to develop a positive workplace culture, many don’t know how to achieve it. Tatiana identified three steps that any organization can take to ensure they’re headed in the right direction.
- Proper Onboarding: You shouldn’t bombard a new-hire with information about what your organization does, but let them know who you are. This personalization creates a solid foundation.
- Check the Baggage: Many times people are leaving a bad situation at a previous job, so you should encourage them to check that baggage at the door. “Let them know they don’t need to wait for that other shoe to drop,” Tatiana said.
- Acceptance: You should be accepting of new ideas from employees that could improve an existing process in the company. Further, empower that employee by asking them to lead the charge on executing the idea.

JA Can Help
At JA, we understand that it might be difficult to create the ideal workplace culture, but we are here to assist you in making that happen. We know what a healthy workplace culture looks like because we live it every day. Tatiana and the JA team will come prepared to listen and help. In addition, Tatiana can offer insight on the best ways to promote a healthy workplace culture.
For further information or questions, please contact Tatiana Ritter at 812.329.6040 or tatiana.ritter@jabenefits.com For information on our current job openings, please visit careers.jabenefits.com.
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