3 ways to support employee caregivers

Caring for another can take a toll on an employee's well-being. Employers are…

3 questions to ask about paid leave programs

Are you asking the right questions when thinking about your paid leave…

Happy Father's Day :D

JA wishes our awesome JA Dad’s and all other Dad’s an amazing…

Despite Compressed Sign-Up Period, ACA Enrollment Nearly Matches Last Year’s

A day after President Donald Trump said the Affordable Care Act “has been…

The Importance of Effective Employer and Employee Relations

Before investing in multiple employee benefit options, it's best to get to know…

Level-funded plan uptake trickling down market

A brighter light is being cast on level-funded group health plans as benefits…

HHS Nominee Vows To Tackle High Drug Costs, Despite His Ties To Industry

What is President Trump's solution for fighting high drug prices? From Kaiser…

Miserable Modern Workers: Why Are They So Unhappy?

It's a new year, which means working to improve the bad. What's so bad about…

Audit: What should I expect from a Department of Labor audit?

Being audited is a huge burden without the right preparations and defense. For…

Communication. HR’s Ticket to Success

Effective communication within the workplace is a key to a successful business.…