A vacation can't undo the damage of a stressful work environment

Researchers say employees experience chronic stress during their workday and…

Snack Smart, Save Money, Time and Calories

Snack Smart, Save Money, Time and Calories It’s completely normal to snack…

Sweating Doesn't Mean Progress

Health and wellness tips for your work and life—presented by JA Benefits Myth…

How faking your feelings at work can be damaging

Putting up a fake smile on Monday morning is sometimes unavoidable. There could…

Top 10 health conditions costing employers the most

Conditions that impact plan costs can be problematic. Here is a look into the…

7 wellness program ideas you may want to steal

Need more energy and excitement in your office? Keep your employees healthy and…

Lack Of Insurance Exposes Blind Spots In Vision Care

Vision problems are typically not life threatening but can impact the success…

Are You And Your Primary Care Doc Ready To Talk About Your DNA?

Knowing your genes could save your life, especially if a genetic mutation is…

Employee benefit satisfaction has direct relation to job fulfillment

New reports say that employees would sacrifice pay increases for better…

Five Practical Ways to Support Mental Well-being at Work

Mental well-being impacts engagement, absenteeism and productivity. Discover…